Administration and finances technician advanced in Seville

certified professional training center Junta de andalucia

Did you know that the Administrative Technician qualification was the Higher Degree course with the most employment hires in 2019? 137,134 contracts were made, which makes it the main teaching for all of you who are looking for quick job placement and with a future projection.

Our Higher Degree Training Cycle in Administration and Finance is the most versatile qualification in the market, the one that generates the most contracts, the one that companies bet the most and the one that will allow you a more profitable present and future professional development.

Sopeña Center.
C/ Juan de Vera 2. 41003 Sevilla
Afternoon Schedule: Monday: 16:00-21:30, Tuesday to Thursday: 14:30-21:30 and Friday: 14:30-20:30

Sopeña San Pablo Center.
C/ Dr. Laffón Soto 4. 41007 Sevilla
Schedule Mornings: Monday-Friday from 8:00 to 14:30
Monday to Friday: Online

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