Once you finish your vocational training degree, you can sign up with our job market board to make your curriculum vitae visible to companies. You will also have private access to job posts that companies are exclusively offering for trained professionals.
There are more and more companies that are looking for specialized trained professionals and technicians. So, if you are a Sopeña student or a company or already trained professional, we have the network for you! Sign up today!
If you are a company or student and need to know how to contract competent workers or how to establish your professional career, the Sopeña Sevilla schools will offer you a service that includes professional guidance. It will help find what you are looking for.
Enter and consult what we can offer you! We are here to help you!
There are More than 250 collaborating companies for the apprenticeship for our students. This helps us provide a high quality training, adapted to the professional sector and market.
If you are a company or professional that needs trained students that can form part of your company layout in the future, we can offer you the possibility to collaborate with us and carry out apprenticeships with our students.
Collaborate with us! Participate in training professionals that can adapt better to the needs of your company and grow as professionals!
Our Dual Training Projects allow us to develop an adapted curriculum to our collaborating companies, as it is a combined teaching-learning process with the school and the professional company.
If you are thinking about hiring personnel in the near future or you want to teach future employees of your company, dual training is the answer! This way, students adapt to the business reality of your company. Contact us and we can design together the professional profile of your future employees. Think about the future! Think in Dual Vocational Training!
Each time there are more companies, corporations and institutions that grow with our innovative vocational training. With quality training that improves the employment opportunities for young people and society as a whole.
If you are a company who wants to improve your productivity, in Sopeña Sevilla we can offer the possibility to create training partnerships, for innovation, investigation and practical projects in the technical environment, adapted for you, your company and clients. Get to know our alliances!
If you need a training program to improve the qualifications of your present and future employees, in Sopeña Sevilla we help you create training plans that you can reimburse within the planned training for Companies.
Our professional skills certificates are possibilities to train employees of your company with in-class instruction, hybrid learning or online, and be a formative entity which is associated with work contracts for training and education, adapted to your company needs.
Tell us what you need and we can help you plan your training adapted to what your company really needs!